vendredi 8 juin 2007



I Tunes gave a new step forward in the Internet concept and conception, and if you want to look even more far, a very ingenious to avoid the "contrafacon" promising to the itunes customers to have income from their downloaded songs with other customers download, as most of internet webs, what they did very well under this umbrella is to create several networks where pepople could feel identified with others, finally a very interesting way to promote their archives, either downloading our favourite music 0.99$ song instead of paying 20€ for an album where we just want 3 or four songs and also the money comes back....and also sharing our preferences with others that could know music, films, TV programs....that after knowing our likes, could match with them
we have other webs with the same concept, for example related to tourism

Dale Don Dale 3:32 Don Omar MVP Reggae
Holding Back the Years 4:30 Simply Red Greatest Hits Rock clásico

Get songs for a song
With songs, albums and music videos from major and independent music labels, plus individual artists, the iTunes Store eliminates the hassle of subscription services and banishes annoying ads. you get high-quality AAC songs that won’t disappear at the end of the month, or ever. What you buy is yours to keep. That’s fair to you and fair to artists.

Stay on your game
Get your game on with new iPod games from the iTunes Store. Choose from popular games such as Tetris, Mahjong, and PAC-MAN, or discover new games such as Zuma and Vortex.

Choose podcasts freely
Every radio-style and video podcast on the iTunes Store is free. With tens of thousands of podcasts to choose from and subscribe to, you’re sure to find podcasts that pique your interest.

Buy the book
Audiobooks on the iTunes Store range from fiction to mystery to biography — just about anything on the bestseller list and beyond

These are several options you have with Itunes but for me as I said before, the most interesting in the new Itunes concept is that since they promote the free download, now they are more about the paid download in order to help the artists....and themselves, but also with the customers in a new concept of....WIN, WIN...WIN (THREE WINS)

samedi 12 mai 2007



I think Social Network is other why not only to do not only business but also a very interesting way to meet people and try to help them and at the same time to help you in order to have a clear access to the things you need not in a professional way but personal and how to reach them worldwide.
Places like tripadvisor are where a person that doesn’t know about the destiny or more concret about the hotel they want to visit can check others experiences and then decide what to do.
In the social network net, you can find stars that shows their preferences and like this I am sure they can influence the way others buy, also you can ask for advise about what yourself will buy, give different options for others to vote which one of them they will choose in case is their election.
Social network is other opportunity that the net offer us to be even more global and be in touch just with a click or finding the ideal link.

vendredi 11 mai 2007


Social Shopping, a method that is able through the infininive possibilities of the net to share not only hobbies or conseil but also to be able to find people from the same point of view or profile but far from the usual chats where the people normally looks for a quick or not so quick "rendez vous" and they are much more interested in a personal relation than to find people like meetic
this is a space where a network of consumers shop in a inveronment similar to myspace but oriented to shopping very interesting place out of gusto, zilo, tripadvisor...some of them even gives you free delivery if you make your order with in 5 pm
Social shoping is based on the principles outlined in the misdowmuf crowds where a large group of users can recommend products to each other and between them in this we can find some companies like stylefeeder, kaboodle and zebo
Kaboodle: you can help the people joining the net to buy, they gives you options and you can mark.
you also can have a friendly network and sharing hobbies or just looking for a profile that matches in a shopping way
Zebo has chats online where we can share needs to achat, things to sell or just ask for and advise, it is true that this web is very stong for American market.
A place like stylefeeder is joined also for stars like Olsen sisters or Kelly Roland (one of the destiny's clild singers) and in this web they talk about what they like and you can share their own blogs or mails
In this domain you can find and i personally think is the easiest to develop, and the most clear example is tripadvisor, there are many web relayed to travels where you can, in some of them fond the advise about some destinies, others about specific hotels or you can also find photos or videos about destinies and this since trips is one of the pleasures the people likes more, has a very good succes in the net, tripadvisor even if the people doesn't know what social shopping means is something they use very often

mercredi 21 mars 2007



When we talk about Easy Group, we actually cannot talk about a Company if about a concept, a concept based in the price but that it is much more than this.
Again a "more or less" made my self man that opened his first Company when he was 28 years old and Actually has a personal Capital of about 650& Millions, but what I understand from this Company is that the goal, more...or at the same time is to find products to make the life easier to the people and....saving money for a product that before costed much more.
Easy Group is who got the people flying...EASY but if it is true that they are well known because of this, there are many other concepts all of them based in the same values.
Something I discovered from this, is how clear they have their Mission and their vision, the first is to extend the leading value and for the second one as they said "cover the world in orange"
they have almost 20 different concepts from bus, to hotels, pizzas, internetcafe...all of them daily services, even the flights are in this moments something necessary and all of them with a lower cost than the rest of the previous companies en the same market.

the EASYJET concept for example has various points very clear and easy... to understand

- Using of Internet to reduce the Distribution expenses
- Optimization of the Inmobilized, the planes flyes more than the others.
- No paper using in reservations
- No free meals
- Optim Aerports utilization, they stay less time on eatrh, and they pay less, also they renegociated the fees in the airports
- No papers management, all their management is informatizied as Reza says .

The Company concept is an European Company they know that they are very strong here and their resources are oriented to this.

They gowth from 30.000 to 32.953.000 in only 11 years from 1995 to 2006
82 new destinies between 2006 and 2007.

Something also very interesting is two things that shows how modern this company is, first, even if the Company is a great succes, they ask everybody what they can add to the Company, if you have a concept that you think matches avec the EASY spirit, they listen to you, is Mr. Stelious who signs, and if this signature is for is his signature, it means a man (not a company) who wants to hear from you if you have something to add.
The second one is how strong they protect their name and their Management, you can find all sentences won because of causes against somebody who wanted to use them or their name.

I think it is the EASY moment, not only because of the Comapany if because they showed that you can do everything saving money if you are a client and winning money if you are the owner of a company.

Let's become ORANGE.

jeudi 8 mars 2007


In this moment. we already know how to surf in Internet and how to find the information we need and in the moment we need it, we cannot imagine 5even if it is much more funny) to go to a bibliotheque to look for things that finally we do not find or we find something that is giving us not all the information.
So now we go a step forward, after we can easily find the information, we need to use the net fot other things like pretection, telephone, or other things.
Clever people gave us the solution but for sure this is not to loss money, of course all companies are created to make, do not ask is it possible that they work.

There areseveral ways, the first one and may be the most clear is advertising but not the only one.

Normally, all of this webs gives you a service for free, but what they are looking for is to create a dependence to you, for example, skype, they give you for free the comunication with other skype user, but if you need to call somebody...even if it is much cheaper, you have to pay, this is the same with photos, internet security and others.

2.0 is a succesful path in the net much more succesful because gives you the oportunity to arrive to some places just because similarity to the subjet you are looking for or studying, may be in this case is still not so used or optimized

as revenue sources we can talk about

Telephone calls from SKYPE
Flickr, yuo are free at the begining but then you have to pay
Newsgator the news are free but you pay for the extras

2 Market segments are not dead they will always be a part of the ways you can get your information, but what is absolutely true is that now they are replaced by others like Freenium, quickers and also more useful.
The best placed products and services are that not directly related to a commercial relation, that ones that you can "just buy"

3 Freenium can be used with all other Biz models like 2.0 or others, all what can take you to get what you need as quick as possible and as cheap as possible, the why is because just from a computer you can get everything if you know where to go, so what is better than give to the customers the answer even before they ask......

samedi 24 février 2007



¿Cuáles fueron sus inicios en el sector turístico?

Bueno, mis inicios fueron desde que tengo uso de razón, mi padre ha trabajado para la cadena Meliá y después Sol Meliá durante 35 años así que crecí oyendo hablar de hoteles y todo lo que se mueve dentro de ellos.

Descríbanos qué pueden ofrecer los Hoteles Husa Grand Hotel Montmartre y Husa Calais Montmartre a sus clientes?

Lo que a mi me gusta ofrecer a mis clientes e intento que sea lo que la gente que trabaja conmigo asuma es la filosofía del SÍ, y además sonriendo.

¿En qué consiste su trabajo diario como Director de estos Hoteles?

Actualmente estamos en pleno trabajo de organización de los dos Hoteles que la cadena HUSA tiene en París, y como todos los comienzos, hay que estar en todos los sitios e intentar ayudar todo lo que puedas, además de realizar tu trabajo diario. En estos momentos estamos intentando hacer énfasis en la Comercialización de los dos Hoteles.

Y con relación a la calidad, ¿qué actividades promueven u organizan?

Dado el tipo de Hoteles, situados en un lugar muy bueno para el turismo y que al ser dos establecimientos no muy grandes, dan la oportunidad de conocer a los clientes y tener un trato mucho mas directo con ellos, nuestra Calidad se basa en el personal con el que cuento, gente joven, con mucha ilusión y que estoy seguro que va a dar mucho que hablar para bien, dentro de la empresa.

¿Qué exige a los profesionales que deseen trabajar en estos Hoteles?

Sobre todo compromiso, una vez que alguien toma la decisión de dejar la familia, sus amigos y embarcarse en algo como esto, es lo mas importante, no solo a nivel personal sino también profesional.

La formación en estos momentos va íntimamente ligada al desarrollo profesional de los hombres y mujeres que trabajan en la empresa turística. ¿Qué importancia tiene para Vd. y qué puntos formativos serían los más importantes para el desarrollo profesional de los más jóvenes?

La formación es sin duda la base del éxito, estar preparado para aprender de todo, no sólo de los profesores o compañeros, sino de cada cliente que te da su opinión o se queja para darte la oportunidad de mejorar cada día

¿Tiene alguna estrategia para fidelizar a sus clientes?
La mejor Estrategia es la del trabajo diario, pero de verdad creo que hoy en día, donde todos ofrecemos más o menos lo mismo, todos tenemos Satélite en la Habitación, Todos Minibar, Todos Acceso a Internet…la diferencia la marcan las personas, especialmente cuando es cada vez más difícil encontrar buenos profesionales

¿Qué piensa del asociacionismo en España?

Es la manera de ser mas fuertes y poder ejercer una presion mayor ademas de utilizar las fuerzas de cada uno por un bien comun.

¿Qué consejos daría a alguien que empieza en este sector?

Realmente, yo estoy empezando todavía y me gusta considerarme como una esponja para los que pueden enseñarme algo, quizás es esto lo que recomendaría a quien quiera dedicarse a esta profesión. Y algo muy importante; que aprenda a utilizar las situaciones difíciles para crecer.

¿Qué tres personajes del sector turístico destacaría, a los cuales les tenga admiración?

El primero sin duda, mi padre, sin él seguramente no estaría aquí. Después, Jesús Felipe Gallego que ha sido en diferentes momentos y por diferentes circunstancias mi mentor. También Javier Sánchez, que confió en mí y al que considero uno de los Directores Generales del Siglo XXI.
Pero hay mucha otra gente importante en mi corta carrera, Pablo Vila, José Alberto García Anadón. Los Profesores de la Escuela de Hostelería que me inculcaron lo que significa este secto y todos los que en mayor o menor medida han tenido algo que ver conmigo, y también la gente que forjó la Hotelería en España, como D. Joan Gaspart Bulbena y D. José Meliá.

¿Cómo cree que debería ser el Director del Siglo XXI?

No sabemos que va a pasar mañana y por lo tanto tenemos que estar preparados para cualquier situación y sino ser capaces de reaccionar antes que los demás.

¿Qué piensas de la creciente Internacionalización de las Cadenas Españolas?

Creo que por fin le hemos perdido el miedo a tener hoteles fuera de España y eso es importante por que aquí en España tenemos algunas de las Cadenas más importantes del mundo, HUSA sin ir mas lejos es la más antigua de Europa, pero están Sol Meliá que es la pionera en esto de tener hoteles fuera y convertirlo en parte de su estrategia. Los hoteles NH están haciendo una apuesta clara en este sentido con una filosofía moderna y muchas otras que seguro pueden aportar mucho al sector desde su visión personal, en París mucha gente relacionada con el sector me comenta cosas en este sentido y creo que es muy positivo.


Husa Hoteles France, un nouvel acteur ambitieux sur le territoire national
• Le groupe propriété de la famille Gaspart compte plus de 150 établissements en Espagne.• Les deux hôtels pris en location à Paris sont une base pour établir l’enseigne dans toutes les zones touristiques françaises.• Husa Hoteles verrait bien un développement international aussi dans la restauration.
L’Espagne est désormais trop petite pour contenir les ambitions du groupe ibérique Husa Hoteles (voir HRH n° 194 du 7 décembre). La société fondée en Catalogne en 1930 par la famille Gaspart ne voit plus de grandes perspectives de développement dans son pays, même si elle vient d’ouvrir un hôtel de 200 chambres en 4* à Madrid. “Avec plus de 150 hôtels, nous sommes déjà dans tous les bons emplacements et nous couvrons toute la gamme hôtelière de 1 à 5 étoiles”, explique Paco Benito, le représentant de la chaîne en France. Il y a encore quelques mois, il dirigeait les deux hôtels Husa en Egypte, à l’occasion d’un retour au pays, Jose-Luis Buch, le vice-président du groupe en charge du développement international lui a proposé de relever un nouveau défi : installer le nom Husa en France. Il n’y avait pas remis les pieds depuis 15 ans, accompagnant alors régulièrement sa famille en vacances. Depuis quelques mois, c’est une véritable tête chercheuse pour y renforcer la présence dans notre pays. “Je regarde Paris et le reste de la France avec d’autres yeux”, dit-il dans un Français qui a vite retrouvé ses bases. “Je vois tout le potentiel pour notre groupe car la demande espagnole est forte”. Le démarrage a été facilité par les contacts entretenus de longue date par le propriétaire des deux hôtels Grand Hôtel Montmartre et Calais Montmartre, avec le président de Husa. La prise en location de ces deux établissements de 40 chambres chacun, en 3 étoiles, est une base pour aller de l’avant. “Nous fonctionnons très bien avec une majorité de clients espagnols qui aiment l’animation du quartier à deux pas de la Butte et du Moulin Rouge”, explique le directeur France qui accueille aussi d’autres nationalités latines, et même quelques Japonais. “Nous venons d’installer notre centrale de réservation internationale et les débuts sont intéressants. Je constate surtout l’importance d’Internet pour les hôtels situés dans les quartiers touristiques. C’est plus de la moitié de nos réservations, en comptant les partenariats avec des sites comme Keytel”.A la recherche d’un 4 étoiles au cœur de ParisLa priorité aujourd’hui est au développement d’une clientèle Corporate pour équilibrer l’activité des deux hôtels en semaine et de trouver de nouveaux établissements pour étoffer le réseau. “De préférence des prises en location, car nous sommes ainsi plus libres d’organiser la gestion à notre manière”, précise Paco Benito même si la qualité de l’établissement peut conduire à d’autres formules. “Je rencontre des propriétaires indépendants qui veulent s’appuyer sur une organisation internationale. Ils savent que c’est une nécessité. Rien que pour le site Internet, nous avons six personnes à plein temps en Espagne. Notre priorité va vers les zones à forte concentration touristique dans le Sud de la France, mais aussi en montagne et bien sûr à Paris”. Le groupe prospecte du côté des 3 étoiles autour de l’Opéra et se verrait bien à la tête d’un 4 étoiles, porte-drapeau de Husa en France. “En Espagne, nous possédons des hôtels comme le Ritz de Barcelone ou le Juan Carlos 1er.. Plusieurs de nos établissements sont Leading Hotels”, précise le directeur France.Le groupe Husa est aussi présent dans la restauration, notamment à travers des établissements haut de gamme à Barcelone, regroupés dans sa filiale Menta, et un traiteur prestigieux, Prats Fatjo. Il envisage aussi une implantation française dans ce secteur, voire une incursion dans la restauration collective.Le président actuel, Joan Gaspart Solves, veut faire prendre une nouvelle dimension internationale au groupe, préparant déjà sa succession avec son fils Jose Gaspart à la direction générale. La division internationale devrait prochainement signer un contrat à Londres.
B. Courtin
Publié le 11/01/2005 et Expire le 17/01/2007


STRATÉGIE La chaîne Courtepaille reçoit sa certification ISO 9001-2000
Le plan qui vaut 40 milliards d’euros
Faire du “Mieux tourisme”, c’est le nouveau leitmotiv des autorités touristiques françaises, qui voient avec inquiétude monter la concurrence et baisser le nombre de visiteurs. La réponse prend la forme d’un document en 224 pages, qui développe la nouvelle stratégie marketing sur 5 ans.